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Your Sri Lankan domain name

Prices exclusive of VAT

Domain names in Sri Lanka

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update    
Sri Lanka147,12 USD (€ 135,00)147,12 USD (€ 135,00)147,12 USD (€ 135,00)16,35 USD (€ 15,00)

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, an island state in the Indian Ocean and a particularly popular tourist destination. A fantastic climate, tropical forests and beaches, numerous temples and a rich cultural heritage make the island very popular.

The economy of the country is focused on tourism but also export is also very important. Coconuts, textiles, rubber, tea and cinnamon are just a few products that are exported.

If you want to register a .lk name, you have to meet certain conditions. You can them below.

Extra information for: .lk

The domain name needs to resemble the company name of the owner (also companies from outside of Sri Lanka) or resemble a registered trade mark (only trade marks registered or in active use within Sri Lanka) or you need an other very good reason why you apply for this particular domain name.
The registry may not allow certain registration. Examples of domain name which will not be accepted are obscene names, names which resemble local cities or very generic domain names.
If the registration isn't requested for a local company, then our local contact will automatically become the representative for this domain name in Sri Lanka.
Domain names of 2 or 3 letters are allowed, but the registry has an extra charge fot his. Please contact us via e-mail or phone if you'd be interested in such a short .lk domain name.
Terms & conditions:
All prices are excl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices incl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 7/06/2024.